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On July 18, 2001 USMC Hangout was created on what was then Yahoo Clubs as a place for Marines and their families to just Hangout and to give and receive support through other Marine families and friends. In August 2001 the club was converted to a Yahoo Group.
We have since grown into what you see today. We established this website in October of 2003 as a way of expanding our Group and offering more information to our members or anyone else interested in the Marine Corps. We currently have over 200 pages of information, as well as message boards, buddy locator, and arcade.
To serve as a source for all things Marine Corps. To offer support and help to all of our members and to provide a fun and friendly environment for Marines and their families to come and hangout.
Bridget is not only the owner of USMC Hangout but also a Military wife, author, blogger, writer, and small business owner. Bridget is the author of Dear Military Spouse, a column currently published on where she is the National Military Marriage Examiner.

Bridget, a mother of four, is a military wife of 13 years with six deployments under her belt.
Her passions include photography, scrap booking, and raising awareness for Combat related PTSD. She loves to travel and share her experiences as a military spouse with others. She has four very loving, well behaved, perfect angels as children (at least that is what she tries to tell herself during their back talking, throwing a fit, going to act like a 2 year old because Mom won't let me go to a party, sessions they seem to have on occasion) who's ages are 17, 15, 11, and 9.
She is a native Texan; however, the Military has currently transplanted her to Virginia.
Bridget is a college graduate and holds degree's in both Criminal Justice and Paralegal Studies.
Bridget loves living in new places and can't wait to see where this Military life will take her next!
To inform or request a review of a company, product, or discount that would benefit our Military and their spouses or if you simply have a question or comment for Bridget, please use the contact form.