Nutty Hiker Adventures

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For those of you that wish to advertise on our web sites we offer several great programs, including some that cost you absolutely NO MONEY! You can purchase or select your advertising at the end of this page.

Paid Advertising | Product Donation Advertising(Free)



  • Banners
    • GIF, JPEG, PNG Formats only
    • Maximum file size 40kb
    • Banners must be 468x60 (site bottom), 120x60 or 120x120(site left)
    • Will show on all pages.
    • All banners are placed in a rotation of no more than 5 banners.
  • Text Link
    • Shows on all pages
    • Can choose to show at site bottome or site left
  • Blog Post
    • Sponsored blog post in any category of your choice.
    • Blog post will stay active for 12 months.
    • Must be informative and only contain a maximum of 2 links within the text.
    • Pictures and author bio are included.

Banner Site Left - 120x60 or 120 x 120 Banner button placed on the right of the site under the Advertisements section.

Banner Bottom - 468x60 Banner placed at the bottom of the site after the site content but before the footer.

Text Link Bottom - Text link located at the bottom of the site.

If you are interested a placing an ad on our site, please contact us for pricing. We offer very competitive rates and work with all budgets.

We accept paypal, credit card, check, and money order. Payments through paypal may be reoccurring and are non-refundable. If you wish to cancel your subscription you will need to do so before the next cycle. Returned checks incur a $50 returned check fee.


This is something we have just recently started and it has proved to be a huge success and is great for those that do not have a website and only a facebook or myspace page (websites are also welcome though).

We are looking for crafty items/products that would be of interest to Military and their family members to be donated as a giveaway on our site/fan page.

When we launch the contest, your company (or name) and link to your Facebook page and/or site will be listed on our website and Facebook page during the duration of the giveaway.

Once the contest is over and the winner has been announced, you will be responsible for mailing the item to the winner. Additionally, we will place your company name, website, and what item you donated on our previous contests/giveaway page on our site.

All that we ask from you in return is that during the week your item is being given away (we will notify you before hand), to tag us in a status message from your fan page and add us as a favorite page (or if you only have a Facebook personal page to tag our Fan page in a status message). If you have a website we also ask that you place a link to our website ( on your links page.

If you would like to participate in this program, please use the contact form to reach us.


By purchasing ad space with us, you agree to the following. You agree that these policies and agreement outweigh any policy or agreement you and/or your company may have regarding ad space purchase or policies. You will be required to agree to this policy.

  • Ads for Adult, Gambling, and Casino sites are not allowed.
  • Ads for illegal sites will not be accepted
  • Ads for sites that are racist or deemed anti-military will not be accepted
  • Once accepted, ad sales are final. No refunds will be given.
  • All advertisers will be given their start and end dates once payment has been made. There are no exceptions to these dates.
  • All ads, unless otherwise agreed upon, must be Military related in nature.






July 18, 2001