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A Marine's Lapse in Synapse E-Book

A Marines Lapse in Synapse Book Cover The author, Joey D. Ossian, has made available for download to USMC Hangout viewers, his book, A Marine's Lapse in Synapse.

A Marine's Lapse in Synapse began taking shape in the form of notes almost 20 years ago. Notes were collected with the intention of providing a memory to the author. The idea for the book came about 12 years ago when the stories became too numerous to remember. The events were retold so often, the subject of a manuscript began to get joked about by the inner circle of main characters. Many of the notes couldn't be found, but memory served the author well. The title is appropriate, and many Marines, guardsmen, and other service men and women will attest that with just a little more thought, most of these stories could have been avoided. But then again, if the events were avoided, we wouldn't have the opportunity to enjoy this book.






July 18, 2001