USMC Hangout is a huge site devoted to Marines and their families as a one stop source for everything Marine Corps and is, surprisingly enough, the work of just two people who began this repository of information gathering as a labor of love in 2001 and who have been adding to it ever since. There's no big sponsor behind the site, no special interest groups that have to be catered to; it's just a guy and a gal who get a kick out of learning everything there is to learn about the Marine Corps.
The ads we display enable us to keep the site accessible to the thousands of visitors who drop by to check out the latest information about the Marine Corps and for those who love to play in our Arcade. We do work to not test our readers' patience too much by responsibly limiting the sales pitches confronting them to a minimum and keeping them as unobtrusive as possible. This often amounts to our turning down campaigns more worldly people would have said yes to, but for us having a site folks enjoy has always been the far higher priority.
Though we do not actively solicit donations, those who are moved to assist the site are certainly welcome to do so. Such money is directly channeled back into the site, going to support vital services like forums, arcade, chat rooms, and photo galleries. We will also add all contributors to our Supporters Page.
For those that do not have the means to make a monetary donation but would still like to help, we are looking for volunteers. Please see our Volunteer Openings for more details.
USMC Hangout Staff
Your donation is not tax deductible.
Any of the following methods may be used to contribute to our on-going operation:
You may donate through your PayPal account by using our paypal donation form located within the forums. Please CLICK HERE to go there.
U.S. Mail:
If you would like to make a dontaion by check or money order, please contact us for our address.