Volunteer Openings
We have the following Volunteer Opportunities available. All interested persons please read the following on what you will need to do to get started volunteering with us.
- Register within our Forums (this will be needed before the following steps, if you are already registered, ignore this step). You must be registered so you can blog, write reviews, as well as communicate with other staff members (once the agreement is returned, you will be "promoted" to staff member.)
- Next, fill out and sign the volunteer agreement and mail it back to the address listed in the agreement
- Fill out the form located HERE. All fields are required.
- A reply will be sent to you letting you know we received the e-mail.
- Wait for us to receive your agreement in the mail. Once received we will e-mail you welcoming you to the family and giving you your usmchangout.com e-mail address and password (you will be able to change the password) so you can access your new e-mail account with us.
Positions remain open until filled (positions close after we have received the volunteer agreement back). All volunteers receive their own usmchangout.com e-mail address and may from time to time receive promotional items to pass out through their community.
Even if a position has been filled, we suggest you go ahead and fill out the form and send it in. We will hold on to your volunteer agreement for future positions as they become available.
If you are looking to make a monetary donation, then please see our donation page. Thanks!
Community Moderators
We are currently looking for several moderators to moderate sections of our on-line community. We do require these moderators to meet the following criteria:
- Must be a member for at least 6 months
- Must have made at least 300 posts
- Must actively participate within the USMC Hangout community and visit at least 4 times a week.
We are looking for bloggers who are willing to blog about their daily experiences associated with the Marine Corps. Duties would include making an entry with in a blog that we provide a couple of times a week or more. Currently we are looking for:
U.S. Marine - Blog about your life as a Marine. Your daily challenges and how you overcome them.
U.S. Marine Vet - What life is like after the Corps
Marine Spouse - Blog about what it's like to be a Marine Spouse. The differences between being a military spouse and a civilian spouse. How you cope when faced with issues and questions.
Marine Fiance - Blog about life as a Marine fiance, wedding planning, etc.
Marine Girlfriend/Boyfriend - Blog about life as a Marine girlfriend or boyfriend. The issues and challenges you face on a day to day basis and how you cope.
Marine Brat - you must be 13 years of age or older and have parent's permission.
Marine Mom/Dad - Will blog about the life as a parent of a Marine. The issues you face, your worries, and how you cope.
Military Supporter - Blog about military support issues, news, and programs that support our military and their families.
Newsletter Editor - We are looking for someone to put together our newsletter every month (this may change to every week or twice a month in the future). The format and columns are already there. Duties will include finding information for different columns and putting it all together to be e-mailed out.
Newsletter Columnist:
Duties include answering questions from Readers in the form of a "Dear Abby" type setting, except this will be Dear Jarhead, Dear Military Spouse, etc. Two positions are open at this time:
Dear Jarhead requires that you have served or are currently serving in the Marine Corps and that you have considerable knowledge about the Marine Corps. (POSITION CURRENTLY FILLED)
Dear Military Spouse requires that you are a Military Spouse with considerable knowledge of the way the Military works as well as the duties that being a Military Wife entails.
Graphic Designer:
Duties include designing graphics for USMC Hangout's use throughout the web site and in the upcoming e-store.
Troop Support Manager - We are looking for someone to head up our Troop Support section. Duties would include keeping information up to date, gathering troop addresses of those wishing to receive support, answer questions related to troop support, etc..
Duties include reporting the latest happening on bases or in the Military community(i.e. events, etc.). Currently we have openings for all bases, so please include the base you are on or near. The basic duty would be you go to the event then send in a report and pictures of the event. It can be an event in the Community or on base, just as long as it pertains to our military.
Duty includes reading military (especially Marine Corps) related books both new and old and giving your review of them. Reviews will be put up on the web site and in our newsletter.
Military Movie Reviewer:
Duty includes watching military movies, both new and old, and giving your review of them. Reviews will be put up on the web site and in our newsletter