This is your portal to everything we have collected about the Marine Corps.
We have collected interesting information on several topics that we hope you will be able to use. In the course of looking for all of this information, it is entirely possible that we may have inadvertently posted information that is either out of date or incorrect. Please let us know and we will get it corrected. Please provide a source though so that we can verify anything that may be incorrect.
Find a Recruiter
Boot camp Basics
Boot camp Tips
After Boot campMarine Corps Facts & Knowledge
Marine Corps Facts
Military Pay Charts
Marine Corps MOS (job descriptions)
Marine Corps Rank Structure
Marine Corps Bases
Marine Corps Units
Appropriate Wear of Uniform
Code of Conduct
11General Orders
DOD Threatcon Definitions
Phonetic Alphabet
Marine Corps Cadences
Marine Corps Creeds
Jarhead Jargon
Marine Corps Facts
Marines Hymn
Marines PrayerLeave and Liberty
PCS InformationList of all conflicts the Marine Corps has participated in along with timeline of events.
Commandants of the Marine Corps
Sergeants Major of the Marine Corps
Customs & Traditions
History of the Marine Corps
Legends of the Marine Corps
Marine Corps Hero's
This Day in Marine Corps History
Jane Wayne Day
Jarhead Drinks & RecipesIn this section we will list all Marine Corps Medals and Ribbons along with pictures and history information as we find it.
Marine Corps Quotes
222 Reasons to love the Marine Corps
Famous Marines